Puncture Wounds: What You Should Do | Oxnard & Northridge CA
What is a Puncture Wounds? Puncture wounds are not the same as cuts. A puncture wound has a small entry hole caused by a pointed object, such as a nail that you’ve stepped on. In contrast, a cut is an open wound that produces a long tear in the skin. Puncture wounds require different treatment …
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What is the Achilles Tendon? Oxnard & Northridge CA
A tendon is a band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. The Achilles tendon runs down the back of the lower leg and connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. Also called the “heel cord,” the Achilles tendon facilitates walking by helping to raise the heel off the ground. What is …
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Diabetic Complications and Amputation Prevention in Oxnard & Northridge CA
People with diabetes are prone to having foot problems, often because of two complications of diabetes: nerve damage (neuropathy) and poor circulation. Neuropathy causes loss of feeling in your feet, taking away your ability to feel pain and discomfort, so you may not detect an injury or irritation. Poor circulation in your feet reduces your …
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Inflamed Tissues, Muscle, Tendons of Foot Treatment in Oxnard & Northridge CA
When the device is activated, the physical force generated is transferred to the patient through an applicator head. The mechanical energy is absorbed by the tissue as the distance from the application site increases. This mechanical force triggers reactions in the tissue that have a positive effect on a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: …
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What is Peripheral Arterial Disease? Oxnard, Northridge CA
Commonly referred to as “poor circulation,” Peripheral Arterial Disease (P. A.D.) is the restriction of blood flow in the arteries of the leg. When arteries become narrowed by plaque (the accumulation of cholesterol and other materials on the walls of the arteries), the oxygen-rich blood flowing through the arteries cannot reach the legs and feet. …
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What Is an Ankle Sprain? Oxnard Northridge CA
What Is an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain is an injury to one or more ligaments in the ankle, usually on the outside of the ankle. Ligaments are bands of tissue – like rubber bands – that connect one bone to another and bind the joints together. In the ankle joint, ligaments provide stability by …
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Osteoarthritis in Oxnard Northridge CA
Osteoarthritis is a condition characterized by the breakdown and eventual loss of cartilage in one or more joints. Cartilage (the connective tissue found at the end of the bones in the joints) protects and cushions the bones during movement. When cartilage deteriorates or is lost, symptoms develop that can restrict one’s ability to easily perform …
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Tarsal Coalition Treatment in Oxnard Northridge CA
What is Tarsal Coalition? A tarsal coalition is an abnormal connection that develops between two bones in the back of the foot (the tarsal bones). This abnormal connection, which can be composed of bone, cartilage, or fibrous tissue, may lead to limited motion and pain in one or both feet. The tarsal bones include the …
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What is a Sesamoid? Oxnard, Northridge CA
A sesamoid is a bone embedded in a tendon. Sesamoids are found in several joints in the body. In the normal foot, the sesamoids are two pea-shaped bones located in the ball of the foot, beneath the big toe joint. Acting as a pulley for tendons, the sesamoids help the big toe move normally and …
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Ankle Arthroscopy in Oxnard, Northridge CA
Arthroscopy, also called arthroscopic surgery, is a minimally invasive procedure performed to diagnose and treat joint problems. Ankle arthroscopy is undertaken to evaluate and possibly treat a variety of disorders, such as arthritis in the ankle, an unstable ankle, or bone damage. Among other potential uses for ankle arthroscopy, the surgeon may be able to …
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