Best Achilles Foot Doctor in in Northridge & Oxnard
The Achilles tendon is the strongest and thickest tendon in the human body. It is a strong band of tissue that connects muscles to bones. It attaches the calf muscle (gastrocnemius) to the heel bone (calcaneus). The Achilles tendon gives us the ability to move our foot up and down, and also allows us to …
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Ingrown Nail Treatment in Northridge & Oxnard
When a toenail is ingrown, it is curved and grows into the skin, usually at the nail borders (the sides of the nail). This “digging in” of the nail irritates the skin, often creating pain, redness, swelling, and warmth in the toe. If an ingrown nail causes a break in the skin, bacteria may enter …
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Treatment for Inflamed Tissues, Muscle, Tendons of Foot – Oxnard & Northridge
When the device is activated, the physical force generated is transferred to the patient through an applicator head. The mechanical energy is absorbed by the tissue as the distance from the application site increases. This mechanical force triggers reactions in the tissue that have a positive effect on a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: …
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Zimmer Radial Pulse Shockwave Therapy in Oxnard & Northridge
Shockwave Therapy in Northridge services will help relieve pain and provide long lasting benefits This mechanical force triggers reactions in the tissue that have a positive effect on a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions: Enhanced blood flow is the result of ESWT, which increases blood vessel expansion, stimulates the production of new blood vessels, and …
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The Lisfranc Joint in Oxnard & Northridge
The Lisfranc joint is the point at which the metatarsal bones (long bones that lead up to the toes) and the tarsal bones (bones in the arch) connect. The Lisfranc ligament is a tough band of tissue that joins two of these bones. This is important for maintaining proper alignment and strength of the joint. …
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What is a Hammertoe? Oxnard & Northridge
Hammertoe is a contracture (bending) of one or both joints of the second, third, fourth, or fifth (little) toes. This abnormal bending can put pressure on the toe when wearing shoes, causing problems to develop. Hammertoes usually start out as mild deformities and get progressively worse over time. In the earlier stages, hammertoes are flexible …
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What Is a Bunion? Oxnard & Northridge
A bunion (also referred to as hallux valgus or hallux abducto valgus) is often described as a bump on the side of the big toe. But a bunion is more than that. The visible bump actually reflects changes in the bony framework of the front part of the foot. The big toe leans toward the second toe, rather …
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Pediatric Flatfoot Treatment Near Me, Oxnard & Northridge
Pediatric flatfoot can be classified as symptomatic or asymptomatic. Symptomatic flatfeet exhibit symptoms such as pain and limitation of activity, while asymptomatic flatfeet show no symptoms. These classifications can assist your foot and ankle surgeon in determining an appropriate treatment plan. Symptoms: Flatfoot can be apparent at birth, or it may not show up until …
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Plantar Fibroma Treatment in Oxnard & Northridge
A plantar fibroma is a fibrous knot (nodule) in the arch of the foot. It is embedded within the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that extends from the heel to the toes on the bottom of the foot. A plantar fibroma can develop in one or both feet, is benign (non-malignant), and usually will …
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Plantar Fasciitis – Cause and Symptoms in Oxnard & Northridge
The most common cause of plantar fasciitis relates to faulty structure of the foot. For example, people who have problems with their arches, either overly flat feet or high-arched feet, are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis. Wearing non-supportive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts abnormal strain on the plantar fascia and can also lead …
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